Friday, February 19, 2010

Cabin Fever!!!!!

You can't beat being at the cabin and just hanging out having fun. We had a blast going down the sled hill and snowmachining. It was hilarious on one of the times Bailee went down the sled hill and took out April at the end. Ha ha ha!!! I couldn't stop laughing for the longest time. She said she stepped on the sled to stop it so Bailee wouldn't keep going up the hill, but really Bailee totally took her out. HA you can see it in the video clip I uploaded. Oh man LOL!!!!!

Burgess, April, Gavin, and Miss Livie. Thanks so much guys for coming and having fun with us!

Max, Lacie, and Bailee Boo. We have been trying to get more pictures of us with Bailee because we haven't been doing good so far, so here's our start.

Auntie April with Bailee. Bailee wuvs her Auntie!!!


  1. yahhoooo!! That was so much fun. Thanks for letting us come with you guys. My kidos just love you all to death. Don't worry Bailee I still love you even though you just about white washed me..

  2. Wow, it is about dang time. How have you been. It has been forever. Bailey is adorable and you look great. My blog is private so if you want an invite e-mail me at and I will send you one. It is great to see that you are doing well.

  3. Well good I'm glad you're a blogger!!! NOW COME VISIT ME!!! HAHA!
